onsdag 24 juli 2019

Re: Google Message

Google UK Ltd
1-13 St Giles High Street
London WC2H 8AG
United Kingdom
Website: www.google.org
Google Esteemed Beneficiary
Your Grant has been approved, once again congratulation. Attached document to this mail is in Microsoft Word; kindly take note that you are required to download and read it very carefully. Do follow the guided instructions.
Name: Mr. Jeremy Allison
Google Foundation Board (UK)
Email: info@gfoundations.org
Email: mrjeremyallison@gmail.com
Thank you for understanding and thank you for your patronage towards
Google Foundation and have a nice day.
Jeremy Allison
Google Foundation UK
©2019 Google Corporation

torsdag 18 juli 2019


Google United Kingdom
                             GOOGLE OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION LETTER
We wish to congratulate you on this note for being selected as a major customer this year. This promotion was set-up to encourage the active users of Google search engine and the Google ancillary services and confirmed by our co-sponsors Visa*/MasterCard* International. We ran an online e-mail beta test which your email address won Three Million Eight Hundred and Sixty-Four Thousand Great British Pounds.
Do e-mail the Foundation Board office at once with the Verification and Funds release form for validation of your grant. You are also advised to contact our Google Payment Representative (Mr. Jeremy Allison via the above email) with the following details attached to this email to avoid unnecessary delay and complications.
Name: Mr. Jeremy Allison
Google Foundation Board (UK)
Email: info@gfoundations.org
For further update kindly email the above agent email for more information for your donation release form.
Sundar Pichai
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer.


The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.

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måndag 8 juli 2019

Kommer pengar att överföras

Internationell överföring
Operation Zenith Bank
(Storbritannien) Ltd LONDON United
Konungariket och Irland
Tel: +44 203 389 5674
Fax: +44 704 307 1539


Din e-postadress kom upp i en slumpmässig teckning utförd i Zenith Bank
Huvudkontor, Internationell överföringsoperation i London Storbritannien.

Jag är Mr.WEHNER DAVID M.A personlig revisor till sen Michael
Blair som arbetade med Shell British Petroleum. Mr Michael Blair en brunn
känd filantropt, innan han dog gjorde ett testamente i ett advokatbyrå som uppgav
som US $ 12.5Million (tolv miljoner femhundratusentals amerikanska dollar
bara) ska doneras till någon lycklig enskild filantrop eller välgörenhet
organisation utomlands.

Zenith Bank Plc är överens med sen Mr Michael Blair att donera
fonden till någon lycklig individ i Amerika, Europa, Asien och Afrika
i andra för att förbättra liv och företag

Vi har gjort vår slumpmässiga rita och din e-postadress plockades till
få denna fond som mottagare av hans vilja. Vänligen kom tillbaka till mig
så fort du har mottagit vårt email för att aktivera överföringen
Drift ger dig information om vad som krävs för att få denna fond juridiskt.

Observera att ovanstående fond har rensats från terrorist- eller bedrägeribekämpning.

Du rekommenderas att inkludera följande nedan:


Fullständig kontaktadress:


Med vänliga hälsningar,
Chef, Internationell överföringsoperation
Zenith Bank (UK) Plc

fredag 5 juli 2019

Re: Google Grant 2019

Google United Kingdom
                             GOOGLE OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION LETTER
We wish to congratulate you on this note for being selected as a major customer this year. This promotion was set-up to encourage the active users of Google search engine and the Google ancillary services and confirmed by our co-sponsors Visa*/MasterCard* International. We ran an online e-mail beta test which your email address won Three Million Eight Hundred and Sixty-Four Thousand Great British Pounds.
Do e-mail the Foundation Board office at once with the Verification and Funds release form for validation of your grant. You are also advised to contact our Google Payment Representative (Mr. Jeremy Allison via the above email) with the following details attached to this email to avoid unnecessary delay and complications.
Name: Mr. Jeremy Allison
Google Foundation Board (UK)
Email: mrallison60@gmail.com
For further update kindly email the above agent email for more information for your donation release form.
Sundar Pichai
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer